Shop opening 9:30 to 4:30 | Family Support 9:30 to 4:00

Thanks to Jade

26th August 2022 by salcare in Uncategorised

During her short-term ‘secondment’ this last year Jade has helped Salcare so much – not only improving what we do today, but what we might achieve tomorrow.

She has helped us understand what we are doing well and what we can do better.

She’s asked us challenging questions to prompt discussion about improving inclusion, equality and access.

She’s spent hours and hours gathering, analysing and using our information to improve our systems.

She has helped us build the key processes and partnerships we need to deliver services in the future. And we move forward more confidently into that future because of Jade and her work.

She has helped us improve the impact we make to families and individuals experiencing Domestic Violence and Abuse – the DVA Team can now not only work more safely, but they can now more easily capture the difference they make daily, helping their clients track their own progress, against their own priorities.

And in the end, that helps us achieve our main purpose – supporting and empowering people to achieve their own goals in life.

Not bad in just under a year! Thanks Jade, from all the team and trustees at Salcare 💜